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HEROES: The “LOST” (Half) Season

By: Seth C.

I would like to thank the TV Addict for allowing me to rant and post my feelings on a show I love so much.I have made a conscious effort to stay away from all blogs and postings so that my article will just be my thoughts and not influenced by others. But let’s be honest, if I thought of an idea I’m sure someone else has, so here we go.

My last two articles have talked about how to fix Heroes. With that in mind I’m just going to talk about the season finale, what I thought was wrong and the questions it brought forth. You can draw your own conclusions on how things can be fixed.

The last episode had three good things and two of them didn’t have any effect on the story at all. First the tribute to Steve McQueen and The Great Escape, with HRG in the lead role (If you didn’t catch the reference rent the DVD, it is my favourite move of all time) Second was the symbol appearing in Peter’s hand as he disposed of the virus. Lastly was Hiro’s disposal of Adam. That was brilliant. My only question is will he now die from a lack of oxygen or a lack of food?

1. Mohinder — He has to be the dumbest professor since Gilligan’s Island. First he hires a babysitter who leaves just because someone show up at the door and says they can leave. Anyone with children would find a better babysitter. Second he gets a phone call from Sylar who is at his apartment with Molly. Did he not think to call his other roommate?? You know the one who can read minds and command people to do his bidding, AND just happens to be a police officer.

2. Peter — Peter is a soft soul with a conscious or he is just really gullible. (Take your pick) Either way I doubt he would allow Adam to just walk around killing guards with his sword, we saw how upset he was when Adam shot Professor Virus in her cabin. Why didn’t Peter just walk through the vault with Adam? Why exert all that effort to break it open? I mean they just did it to escape the Company. Peter who has all these super powers couldn’t save his brother? He could have grabbed the bullets mid-air or read minds with Parkman. Haven’t seen anything like that since Oswald was killed in front of all those police officers.

3. The Company — The sins of the parents are passed onto the children. What sins? We keep hearing all the bad things they did 30 years ago but we still have no idea what they did. It can’t simply be the virus because I get the feeling there is more to it then that. Mama Petrelli can’t keep harping on that for 30 years. Let this Company do something and lets find out its history.

4. They killed Maya — YEAH, they brought Maya back-BOO. The magical blood. I talked about that in a previous article and now it is coming true because no one can die. Quick lets get some cheerleader blood to Nathan.

5. Why kill Nathan and Jessica? Regardless of what you feel about their characters their deaths were useless in the finale. For all they have done this season you could have killed them off in the first episode of this season and they wouldn’t have been missed. Why save Nathan from the fall just to kill him off at the end of this season?

6. Sylar. My problem is not with the character but how they have treated his story this season. We are to assume from what The Professor told Gilligan, Mohinder told Sylar that he had been injected by The Company. IF (and that is a big IF) that is true who kidnapped him from Kirby Square? Where did they take him? If they knew he was dangerous why not have more security? (Think back to the last time The Company had Sylar in a cage).

So Sylar’s last line was “I’m back.” The only question is will the audience be back. I’ve posed lots of questions and didn’t even touch on others (Whose brain was in the safe?) Lets hope the writers strike gives the Heroes a chance to rest and come back to their true form. Let’s hope that when I start to watch season three that I enjoy what I am watching or I will be watching one less show!

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