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CW Schedule Shuffle Haunts This SUPERNATURAL Fan

From the moment the CW announced the news that SUPERNATURAL was being sent to hell — and by hell we naturally mean taken off the schedule — this TV Addict’s inbox has been flooded with emails. There have been angry emails, disappointed fans and more than a few sentiments that are not surprisingly — considering how passionate the fan base is — suitable for public consumption. Yet regardless of tone, the most common question being posed is “what does this mean for my favorite show?”

While it’s not uncommon for established shows like ER or NYPD BLUE to give up their time-slot in order to try out the ‘next big thing,’ CW scheduling guru Kelly Kahl’s recent comment to Variety is a little too enthusiastic for this TV Addict’s taste.

Said Kahl, “We’re giving REAPER a few Thursday airings, which means for the first time a real compatible lead-in for the show, from SMALLVILLE.”

Needless to say, the casual use of the words “first time” and “real compatible” should send more chills down a SUPERNATURAL fan’s spine than a confrontation with the yellow-eyed-demon himself. Odds are good that ‘a few Thursday airings’ will turn into a permanent spot on Thursday night should REAPER show even the slightest levels of growth in the holy grail of 18-49 demographic. Leaving SUPERNATURAL exiled to a fate far worse than hell — Sunday night. Where all CW shows go to die (see: LIFE IS WILD).

And you thought Dean’s deal with the devil was the worst thing that could have happened to the Winchester brothers this year. Stay Tuned…

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