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Live Blogging the Golden Globes

9:01PM: Not surprisingly, it took less than a minute for NBC to ensure the audience knew exactly why there was no traditional Golden Globe Ceremony this year. Who knew it was all the WGA’s fault! Thank God for NBC’s completely unbiased coverage.

9:05PM: Proof that Hollywood loves itself far too much. Jeremy Piven wins another Golden Globe. Ted Danson was robbed.

9:06PM: The TV Addict forsees a win for Glenn Close. Suck it Patricia Arquette.

9:08PM: GLENN CLOSE gets a Globe. Hmmm. Perhaps tonight won’t be so bad after-all.

9:10PM: The TV Addict’s friend Lauren asks: What’s with Billy Bush’s hair?

9:11PM: I get that these Globes have to be done in an hour, but is anyone else thinking the show is on fast-forward? The TV Addict can hardly keep up.

9:15PM: John Hamm wins for MAD MEN. Note to self, stay out of Miami. Dexter’s probably pissed.

9:16PM: Ratatouille wins, while Billy Bush illustrates yet again why writers are important. Could he be less eloquent?

9:20PM: Is Billy Bush fifteen? Okay, must stop trashing Bush, the host, not the President.

9:37PM: My future wife, Tina Fey won for Best Actress. Almost makes up for Michael C. Hall’s ridiculous snub.

9:51PM: MAD MEN wins for Best Drama. Can’t really argue. It is phenomenal.

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