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Last night, the TV Addict was so desperate for original programming that I tuned into THE MOMENT OF TRUTH. While on paper the show sounded intriguing; answer questions truthfully for the chance to win half a million dollars. The reality is far from it. Turns out that reveling in the misery of others is not as entertaining as it sounds and in the end, I simply felt dirty just for tuning. Rest assured I won’t be making that mistake again. (On a somewhat related note: Help me WGA negotiating team… your my only hope!)

The same can’t be said for CASHMERE MAFIA. Critics be damned, I’m loving this show. It’s light, fluffy and the perfect antidote to the grossness of THE MOMENT OF TRUTH. Did anyone else catch Bonnie Summerville’s ‘Nolita’ shout-out to hers and Darren Star’s previous brilliant but cancelled series KITCHEN CONFIDENTIAL? And those tired of Caitlin’s is-she-or-isn’t-she lipstick lesbian story, take note. In a recent interview with the TV Addict (to be posted soon) Summerville revealed that the question of her ‘team’ will be dealt with in two weeks. As will Juliet’s status with husband of the year* Davis (*note sarcasm). How much fun was watching Juliet literally kick Davis to the curb? Of course my favorite moment of the night goes to Zoe. Who’s quickly turned into the show’s most entertaining and likable character. Not only did she totally pull off a fantastic birthday for her son, she managed to save an enormous business deal in the midst of all the paintball chaos. Pretty much, the coolest mom ever. I wonder how long until her marriage starts crumbling?

Agree, Disagree, Post away!

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