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HOUSE: Don’t Ever Change

Knowing full well fans might not get another episode of HOUSE until September (or if we’re lucky May), the creative team behind HOUSE sure ended the season off on the right note. Not only did Cutthroat Bitch (Amber) make a surprising return (Full disclosure: I fell asleep during Sunday’s SuperBowl episode due to Nacho overload, so if she already made an appearance, my apologies), the brilliant Laura Silverman (THE SARAH SILVERMAN PROGRAM) was this week’s patient of the week. Add to that the McGill University shout-out on Amber’s sweatshirt (Canada Eh!) and the realization by Wilson that he may in fact be in love with House (or at the very least, have one serious man crush) this TV Addict has one thing to say. And since my writer’s are still on strike, I’ll simply quote last night’s episode title. HOUSE — Don’t ever change (and come back soon).

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