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Introducing the LOST Questions/Quality Scale

For far too long, fans of Oceanic 815 have woken up the next morning with that all to familiar LOST hangover [or LOSTover if you will]. Like clockwork, the phrase, “sure it was an interesting episode… but why so many questions?” echoed throughout the blogosphere.

That is, until this season.

As LOSTerminds Damon Lindeloff and Carlton Cuse continue to serve up episodes that surpass fan’s expectations, this TV Addict has had an epiphany. A mysterious black smoke monster style vision if you will. Much like Barney’s Hot/Crazy scale, LOST is all about the questions to quality ratio. When the show throws up a dud of an episode like last season’s bore-fest involving Jack and his tattoo, the internet is ablaze with cries of, “When are we going to get some answers!” Yet this season, the ever expanding list of questions becomes inconsequential as Lindeloff, Cuse and the entire LOST cast and creative team continue to deliver phenomenal episode after phenomenal episode.

Take last night installment for instance. As LOST fans feverishly debate the finer points of “The Economist’s” multitude of mind-numbing questions. There is one point every fan seems to agree upon. To quote Entertainment Weekly commentator Steph, “One of LOST’s top 5 episodes!” Added commentator Maggs, “I don’t think I’ve yelled so many profanities at my TV than I did last night. I was confused, excited, mad and whatever else kind of emotion a person can feel. My night went something like this: Sayid, OMG, WTF, YES, Hurley, WTF, NO, Ben, NOOO!” In other words. LOST is firing on all cylinders and naturally and this TV Addict is not about to miss out on the fun.

Here are my five most pressing questions surrounding last night’s episode.

As much as I absolutely loved watching Sayid morph into a mash-up of James Bond and Dexter, the question remains. What led to his flip-flopping on the issue of trusting Ben? Did he not mention to Locke earlier in the episode that “the day he trusts Ben is the day he’s sold his soul.”

What was the deal with Ben’s passports, foreign currency and suits? How does he travel so seamlessly on and off the island? And most importanatly, is he or isn’t he part of the Oceanic Six (My guess is that he’s not).

How is it both Naomi and Elsa have matching silver bracelets? In the world of LOST nothing is coincidental and I’m pretty sure the answer doesn’t involve one really great sale at Zale’s.

Now that Sayid has joined Hurley, Jack and Kate as members of the infamous Oceanic Six. Who are your bets for the two remaining members?

Sayid is the first of our castaways to legitimately leave the island. Why does Frank (the pilot) have to travel a very specific route to reach the freighter? What happens if he doesn’t?

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