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The TV Addict Hates Vegetables

Ready for a shocking confession from the TV Addict?

[Brace yourself]

I don’t eat vegetables.

Now you’re probably asking yourself, “Ummm… TV Addict, what exactly do your dietary habits have to do with television?”

Well my friends, I’m about to tell you.

It recently occurred to me that I’m not getting any younger. And as a result, I probably should stop eating like I’m still fifteen years old.

Unfortunately, endless amounts of burgers, fries, chicken strips and pizza [cue Homer Simpson impression: Mmmmmmm Pizza Hut Cheesy Bites”] are not part of a Canada’s Healthy Food Guide. And odds are good, that if I keep this up, I may find myself six feet under far earlier than expected.

So as of late, I’ve slowly attempted to introduce these crazy things called ‘fruit’ into my diet. Pathetically attempted to cut down on my other addiction french fries and switched from white bread to whole grain for my daily intake of grilled cheese.

Baby steps I know. But you got to start somewhere, right?

Which brings me to the reason for this post.

I figure odds are good that aside from a slight addiction to television, regular readers of may share another addiction of mine. One that involves planning an evening around what you’re going to watch [on TV] and what you’re going to eat.

And with that in mind, I thought I’d take the time to post Healthy [yet still good tasting] Alternative Dinner Idea.

Take tonight for example. Rather than take the easy way out and order up a stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut [Mmmmmm Pizza Hut] this TV Addict is going to suggest a healthier, yet still fun alternative.

In honor of tonight’s installment of AMERICAN IDOL. proudly presents: Make your own flat bread pizza. Because let’s face it, half of IDOL’s contestants will fall flat…. okay, you know where this is going.

Here’s what you’ll need.

• Soft Tortillas
• Pizza Sauce
• Mozzarella Cheese
• Toppings (My personal favorite is Salami, but the healthier alternative would be of course a variety of veggies)

By all means feel free to post ideas of you own and let me know if you think’s Healthy Alternative Dinner Ideas are worthy of a weekly post.

Bon Appétit.

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