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LOST: Mind Officially Blown!

LOSTerminds Damon Lindeloff and Carlton Cuse, you got me again. You win. It’s over. I’m officially done trying to predict your brilliance.

Honestly, this TV Addict thought he was so smart. That I had it all figured out. Who didn’t know that Michael was Ben’s ‘man’ on the boat? Jin rushing off to the hospital was so clearly a flashback. And the fact that Sun was a card carrying member of the Oceanic Six, no surprise there. In fact, I’d go as far to say that I was genuinely proud of myself. I’m never the guy who predicts stuff. Kevin Spacey was Keyser Soze, so didn’t see that coming! Perhaps the countless hours spent in front of the television each and every week hadn’t actually fried all my brain-cells [take that Mom!].

Yet just as I was about to hop online and proclaim my brilliance to a community of fellow LOST addicts, it hit me. There’s still five minutes left in the episode [D’OH!]

Cue jaw drop. JIN IS DEAD. Mind officially blown!

After regaining consciousness, the questions naturally began to swirl. Is Jin really dead? Which LOST nerd, err… I mean fan, screen grabbed and translated his tombstone? Was he part of the Oceanic Six? Does the baby count as part of the Oceanic Six? Who killed themselves on the freighter? What is this sickness that’s causing people to go nuts on the freighter? Why is Charles Widmore really after Ben? Where does Benjamin Linus find three hundred dead bodies and more importantly have the resources to stage a fake plane crash? How’s Michael doing? Where’s Walt? And just to not completely gush, is one of the island’s mysterious properties the ability to learn foreign languages really fast? The ease at which Jin has picked up english is astounding!

And finally, after Desmond and Penny’s tearjerking phone call from two weeks ago and last night’s incredibly beautiful Sun and Jin reconciliation when did Kleenex become a ‘must have’ while watching the show? When did LOST become EXTREME MAKEOVER: HOME EDITION?

Post away with your theories.

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