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Once again, your creative talents continue to amaze. Today’s fantastic header design [see above image] is courtesy of TV Addict reader twilight dew. Serious kudos to all the incredible MOONLIGHT entries. Rest assured this TV Addict will do my absolute best to ensure all you talented designers get your fifteen minutes of fame prior to MOONLIGHT’s April 25 return.

And on a somewhat related note. SUPERNATURAL fans, Holy Disappointment Batman!

When I gave readers the once in a lifetime opportunity to PIMP YOUR FAVORITE SHOW, I naturally assumed my inbox would be flooded with Jared and Jensen designs. After-all, a mere mention of anything Winchester could historically be counted on to get the fans up in arms. Who knew an early fourth season pick-up would so quickly turn the SUPERNATURAL fans into couch potatoes.

Looks like MOONLIGHT may have taken a bite out of the competition.

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