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Good News, Bad News for TV Fans

Good News: PRISON BREAK has officially been picked up for a fourth season. Bad News: This TV Addict stopped caring about PRISON BREAK two season ago. [see link]

Good New: Britney Spear’s appearance on HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER will undoubtedly be a ratings bonanza for CBS. Bad News: It takes an appearance by Britney Spears to get most of America interested in television’s most underappreciated comedy. [see link]

Good News: Thanks to FRIENDS, David Schwimmer never has to work again. Bad News: Thanks to FRIENDS, David Schwimmer may never get another gig acting again. [see link]

Good News: HOUSE fans will get even more of the good doctor this April. Bad News: Because FOX has cut short JEZEBEL JAMES’ return. [see link]

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