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ONE TREE HILL Returned, Who Knew?

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? What if that tree is ONE TREE HILL and nobody knows it’s back on the air?

That is the question this TV Addict is left to ponder after coming to the realization that I completely missed Monday’s return of ONE TREE HILL.

Now I know what you’re thinking. Should not a self-proclaimed TV Addict make it his business to know when each and every show returns to air? Probably. But rather than dwell on past mistakes, I’ve decided to focus on to the bigger question at hand. Who’s to blame?

Network executives might wish to close their eyes for this part.

Obviously, the easy scapegoat is the CW marketing department. Who let’s face it, has been awfully busy walking the line of good taste with their ‘OMFG’ GOSSIP GIRL campaign.

But realistically, I blame my PVR [Personal Video Recorder].

Thanks to the greatest invention of the twenty-first century, this TV Addict rarely watches commercials. Unless of course it’s an Apple one, I mean who can resist ‘Mac’ and ‘PC’? That said, perhaps the one and only draw back of commercial free viewing — aside from the bitter irony that by not watching commercials, I’m may in fact be helping to destroy the medium I love — is that I rarely know when networks are planning to deviate from their regularly scheduled programming.

Take ELI STONE for instance. Had I not randomly visited last week, I might have completely missed out on the fact that the Alphabet Network ran a very-special [and fantastic] episode following the return of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES.

In the case of ONE TREE HILL, I incorrectly assumed that it would return on April 21, following Monday’s return of GOSSIP GIRL. After-all, would it not make perfect sense to give ONE TREE HILL a ratings bump following what’s shaping up to be the most over-hyped episode of GOSSIP GIRL ever? Unfortunately, you know what they say happens when you assume… you’re forced to head directly to iTunes to shell out $1.99 as a penance for your stupidity.

In the immortal words of Homer Simpson, “D’OH”

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