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The TV Addict has a secret.

No contrary to popular belief, I’m not the final Cylon! Rather, I’ve been keeping quiet that for the past two weeks I’ve had in my possession the prequel script to CAPRICA, the highly anticipated spin-off of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA.

Yet, rather than risk the wrath of the Gods — and by ‘Gods’ I’m naturally referring to CAPRICA show-runners Remi Aubuchon and Ronald D. Moore — this TV thought he’d take a different approach. Because as much fun as it might be to play Michael Ausiello [ie. Spoiler King] for a day, I truly believe that television is far more entertaining when you don’t know what happens next.

But first things first, if you thought BATTLESTAR GALACTICA was a far cry from your father’s science fiction [ie. STAR TREK], you ain’t seen nothing yet. CAPRICA, set a mere fifty-one years prior to the planet’s destruction portrays a far seedier version of modern day earth, essentially reading like an episode of HBO’s THE WIRE. Like all Ronald D. Moore projects, the pilot is riddled with political intrigue, racial prejudice, religious zealots and a seriously cool take on Second Life courtesy of Graystone Industries million dollar idea, the Holodeck HoloBand.

Which brings us to the family Graystone. Meet Father/Billionaire scientist Daniel Graystone. Sure he may not be the world’s most attentive parent, but can you really blame him? He’s awfully busy worrying that his company is on the verge of losing the Government contract for the Robot Super-soldier and Meta-Cognitive Processor after wasting five years and half a billion cubits. Worse still, his lack of attention has led his wife Amanda to seek comfort in her husband’s chief rival Tomas Vergis [a Tauron!] while his daughter Zoey’s cries for attention lead her to an organization known as the “Soldiers of One” — a monotheistic religious group that advocates the worship of a single, all-knowing, all powerful God whose mission is to quote, “drive out the many Gods.”

Which is where things get a little murky. You see, Zoey and friends [particularly boyfriend Ben] take their mission very seriously. Thus, act one ends with a shockingly violent act of terrorism which lead to Ben and Zoey’s death as well as innocent bystanders Shannon and Tamara, wife and daughter of one Joseph Adams.

Not surprisingly, grieving fathers Daniel Graystone and Joseph Adams not only find each-other amidst their grief but also begin to formulate a plan. Using the technology available at Graystone Industries, Daniel believes it will be possible to download both of their daughter’s conscience into the cybernetic life-form nodes [or Cylons!] that are currently under development at Graystone Industries.

Needless to say, this being episodic television, no one is who them seem, everyone has an agenda and nothing goes exactly as planned. Complications arise, threats are made, rivalries will form and by episode’s end, Joseph Adams and Daniel Graystone will find themselves on opposite ends of the ethical spectrum. Pretty much the ideal start to what will be a phenomenal prequel.

Cue emotional final scene that will surely get fans stoked for CAPRICA’s premiere.

Our family will survive this, we’re going to put our lives back together. Your mother is gone and Tamara is gone. They’re not coming back.

Suddenly, without warning, tears begin to stream down William’s cheeks. Joseph takes his son in his arms and they hold each other tight as Joseph struggles with his own emotions.

I want you to know who you are, William. We come from a long, proud line of Tauron peasants who knew how to work the land and still stand proud. You’re named after your grandfather, did I ever tell you that?


He was killed in the Tauron uprising fighting for what he believed was the right of all the Children of Kobol — to live free. It’s a good name William and you should wear it proudly. And our last name isn’t Adams – I changed it when I arrived on Caprica.

Our family name is… ADAMA and it’s a good, honorable Tauron name.

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