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No Such Thing as a Stupid Question? Check These Out

This being Friday, the TV Addict thought we’d have a little fun by offering up a few random observations/questions guaranteed to either (a) put a smile on your face or (b) help you pass the time at work until you’re set free to enjoy the glorious two day break that’s commonly referred to as the weekend.

1. Is the budding relationship between Justin and Rebecca not the creepiest thing on television right now? Sure, they’re not biologically ‘brother and sister,’ but “Ewwww!”

2. The recent news of TV Guide Magazine’s financial troubles, got this TV Addict thinking, isn’t it time for a name change? TV Guide got rid of the ‘guide’ years ago!

3. THE OFFICE’s Darryl reveals to Michael that aside from the Crips and Bloods, he used to be a member of the Newsies. Who knew Darryl was such an accomplished song and dance man. [see clip].

4. What’s the biggest mystery from last night’s episode of LOST? The untimely disappearance of Claire, the mysterious return of Christian Shephard or Jack’s oddly shaved chest?

5. What reeks of ratings desperation more? HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER’s casting of Britney Spears or UGLY BETTY’s rumored woo-ing of Lindsay Lohan?

6. Do the producers of SMALLVILLE seriously expect the introduction of DOOMSDAY and a mysterious new female villain next season to fill the super-sized void left by the phenomenal Michael Rosenbaum?

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