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Random Musings: Jason Castro, THE BIG BANG Theme, Download DEXTER

Following last night’s installment of AMERICAN IDOL, two things are abundantly clear. For one, cool hair does not equate to talent. And more importantly, both of Jason Castro’s ridiculously amateurish performances were a cry for help. So much so that we’re pretty sure Castro has already heeded Simon’s advice and, “packed his suitcase,” at least emotionally. Here’s hoping America makes it happen.

Aside from Jim Parsons’ Emmy—worthy portrayal of Sheldon, one of the highlights of THE BIG BANG THEORY is the incredibly catchy theme song courtesy of Canada’s own Barenaked Ladies. So imagine my glee when I learned that ‘The Big Bang Theory Theme’ is actually available on iTunes. Which means for a mere 99¢ you too can experience a really catchy albeit brief one minute and forty-five second history of the world. But fair warning, you’ll be uttering the words, “it all started with a big bang” for the rest of the day.

Did you happen to jump on the DEXTER bandwagon courtesy of CBS and are totally wondering what happens next after Sunday’s phenomenal first season finale? Well, thanks to Showtime you can catch the first episode of the second season for FREE, online right now by clicking here. Or you can download the entire season on iTunes. Not quite 99¢, but the best $23.88 you’ll spend all day.

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