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Channel Surfing with C.T.

When LOST rocks, it rocks. And last night… yup, the ship was definitely swayin’. Best moment of the episode? Sun earning her “pimp” card by telling her dastardly dad that she’d bought his company out from under him. In other news, the show did something I love and that too few programs have the ability to do these days: take a single basic storyline and divide it into several segments involving numerous characters and then build each individual plot to a cliffhanger. Will the boat explode? Will Ben sacrifice himself in order to help Locke become a hero? When the heck did Kate become such a great tracker? (Um, okay, let’s forget that last question… although it’s a valid one.)

Listen up, ’cause I’m only going to say this once: Thanks, you rapid worshippers of the Winchester boys, for using your powers for good by rallying to humble me into giving SUPERNATURAL a second look. If you hadn’t, I’d have missed a heck of a season, not to mention last night’s literally kick-ass finale. From the fantastic use of music (particularly Kansas’ “Carry On My Wayward Son”) to the fast-and-furious one-liners (my personal favorite? Dean referring to Ruby as “our slutty little Yoda”), this was a roller coaster of a ride made all the more emotional by the fact that you people got me to care about the Winchesters almost as much as they care for one another. Yes, the “Lillith in the suburbs” scenario was a little too reminiscent of one of my all-time favorite TWILIGHT ZONE episodes, but homages are one of the things this show does best. In fact, that final scene — with evil forces having gotten their “hooks” into Dean — reminded me of something right out of one of fav fright flicks, HELLRAISER. Yup, you fans totally reeled me into this show… heck, I’ve even kinda sorta maybe gotten used to that put-on voice Jensen uses.

Look, I want to be thrilled that a “plus-size” (read: normal) gal finally won AMERICA’S NEXT TOP MODEL. I really, really do. But… well, I can’t shake this nagging feeling that it was basically a set-up. Let’s face it, some strong girls — such as Claire and Dominique — were eliminated while weaker competitors (um, Anya? Seriously?) were kept in the running. Tyra and company have taken a lot of flak over the years, with the argument among fans and critics going something like this: “Why the hell do they bother having a plus-size girl in the mix when that gal never, ever wins?” Well, this year, they found a girl who just barely qualified as plus-size and, while not a great model, will no doubt get some work. And hell, she ain’t as bad as drag king Jaslene from a few cycles ago.

How weird is it that I get majorly excited by those teaser promos for 90210 — you know, the ones that show nothing but a palm tree as a modern version of the famous theme plays? — given that I never watched the original?

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