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10 Questions to Ponder Until BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Returns [A Long Time From Now]

Truth be told, following Friday’s phenomenal, nay, mind-blowing mid-season finale of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, this TV Addict’s head is still spinning with questions. So in an effort to get a half decent nights sleep, I thought I’d pass along my frustration to my fellow TV Addicts. Because as the saying goes, misery loves company.

Question 1: Who [or what] destroyed Earth? And more importantly, how does Earth’s destruction play into the prophecy we’ve heard so much about, “all this has happened before, and all of it will happen again.”

Question 2: Who [or what] is the 5th and final Cylon? And since we’re asking… where is he [or she]?

Question 3: What really happened to Kara Thrace and her mysterious Viper during her time away from Galactica?

Question 4: How long until the other Cylons find their way to earth and ruin the party?

Question 5: Could Kara’s statement to Lee that “for children to reach their full potential, their parents have to die” been any creepier? How many of our favorites are going to end up dead by the time the show’s final episodes air?

Question 6: The Opera house? Roslin’s visions? Baby Hera? Three really big questions which I’m only counting as one because they all tie into the President’s visions.

Question 7: What’s going to happen to Tigh, Tyrol, Tory and Anders now that they’ve been outed as Cylons? Was Tigh’s plan to sacrifice himself for the good of the fleet not the most noble thing you’ve ever seen? Could Tory have jumped ship [literally!] any faster?

Question 8: Was one of the Earth’s charred remains that of the Brooklyn Bridge?

Question 9: Is there a chance that our intrepid heroes [and villains] haven’t really reached their final destination and the planet we think is Earth may not be exactly what it seems?

Question 10: Is January 2009 not a ridiculously long wait to find out these answers?

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