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5 Confessions of a TV Addict

Wondering how difficult June has been for this self-proclaimed TV Addict? Here’s a few random and slightly embarrassing factoids about my life as of late.

(1) Out of sheer boredom last Tuesday I watched an entire episode of LIVING LOHAN [Unforgivable I know, but I swear it was a one time thing and I wasn’t thinking]. (2) My PVR is set to record tonight’s Disney Channel Movie CAMP ROCK. (3) I’m completely hooked on ABC Family’s GREEK, having blown virtually my entire iTunes Piggy Bank on the season. (4) Sunday’s MEET THE PRESS tribute to Tim Russert had me reaching for the kleenex. (5) I’m really hoping enough people are watching SWINGTOWN so that CBS might consider picking up the show for a second season next summer.

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