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By The REEL Addict

If you in any way closely related to a tween, you not only know about HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 3, you probably have already promised yourself to take them to see it in theatres. If you’re anything like me, you actually won’t mind taking them because it provides a great excuse for you to see it without any embarrassment. Even if the HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL series is a bit silly and obviously aimed at a demographic more than a decade younger than myself, the musical fan in me can’t help but appreciate how infectiously fun the films are and how they signal a moderate return of the musical into popular culture. Needless to say, come October 24th I’ll be there opening night with niece, probably with a stupid grin of anticipation in my face. Till then, feel free to check out my review of the first two films over at MONDOmagazine.

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