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What’s the TV Addict’s take on the rumored VERONICA MARS movie? — Nick C.

The TV Addict: Nick, I can sum up ‘my take’ in three simple words: Not Gonna’ Happen. Which is the reason I didn’t bother linking to Michael Ausiello’s over-hyped story on a possible MARS movie. I mean seriously, what studio head in their right mind is going to invest a minimum of thirty to fifty million dollars on a television series that ranked 148 out of 156 in the ratings?

That’s not to say I wouldn’t love to see Kristen Bell, Jason Dohring and the entire Neptune gang in a full length feature film. I just think that Rob Thomas would be wise to consider the Joss Whedon DR. HORRIBLE approach as NYMag so cleverly suggested, “Set aside a week and $100,000, and shot a couple of mini-Mars stories for download?”

In anticipation of the Fall TV season I counted how many hours of shows I currently watch (16.5) and how many hours of new shows I will start (5.5). OMG! There’s only 21 hours of prime-time in one week to watch these! I don’t know how I’m going to do it? — Linda B.

The TV Addict: Admittedly 22 hours of television per week sounds daunting. But I think if last week’s record-breaking performance by Olympic Gold Medalist Michael Phelps taught us anything, it’s that anything can be accomplished with hard work, determination and one really big DVR. So to those of you who are asking, “Holy Crap, How am I going to fit all this TV viewing in!” This TV Addict has this to say: Stop whining and start watching! Put aside that social life, family and overrated ‘great’ outdoors for a few weeks and enjoy the madness that is September Season Premieres

In your recent preview of PRISON BREAK’s fourth season premiere you alluded to the fact that “Michael Scofield will lose someone [or something] else this season that viewers will find incredibly unexpected while at the same time long overdue.” Can you please be more specific? — Went4Ever

The TV Addict: Well since you asked so nicely, how’s this for specificity. The ‘thing’ Michael loses isn’t a person!

With the recent reveal by Michael Ausiello that BROTHERS & SISTERS has begun its search to cast William Walker’s long-lost son Ryan, I’d like to know who your pick is. Because my fingers are crossed for THE OC’s Benjamin Mackenzie. — WannaBeWalker

The TV Addict: While the artist formerly known as Ryan Atwood would undoubtedly make an interesting addition to the Walker household. This TV Addict can’t help but think that ex-GILMORE GUY Matt Czuchry would be a far better fit if we’re going by the official character description that includes the following: “Caucasian, early 20s. Good looking, charming John John Kennedy type. The All-American golden boy who commands a room by his mere presence and affability.”

Has there been any news on REAPER season one making it to DVD? Any information would be greatly appreciated! — Charles

The TV Addict: Ask and you shall receive. According to TVShowsonDVD, Lionsgate Entertainment has struck a deal with Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment to bring several of Disney’s TV titles to DVD starting this fall. Lucky for you Charles, among the ‘several’ is REAPER season one which will arrive in stores on November 4th as a five disc set with eighteen episodes plus exciting bonus materials.

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