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Help Solve the Mystery that is 90210

Now I know what you’re thinking, “Isn’t FRINGE the show that’s supposed to have fans scratching their heads?” Well, yes. But this morning this TV Addict can’t seem to stop thinking about all the surprising mysteries brought forth by last night’s installment of 90210. Here’s hoping that you, my far smarter and better looking readers can help a TV Addict out by posting your theories.

Mystery #1, West Beverly High: Far be it from this TV Addict to judge another high school. But at least where I came from [Toronto’s Forest Hill Collegiate, in case you’re wondering], new kids were not so easily welcomed with open arms like the gang from West Bev seems to have embraced Annie and Dixon Mills. I mean seriously. Unless you were hot, and I mean really really hot. Newbies weren’t talked to for a good month or two! Which begs the obvious question, what is Annie and Dixon’s secret? And more importantly, why did 90210 showrunners Jeff Judah and Gabe Sachs rob fans of that classic first season episode where our lead characters invariably form that best-friends-forever bond after being trapped in detention, an elevator, the library, and/or victims of a school shooting or earthquake.

Mystery #2, Naomi Clark: Do the powers that be seriously expect us to buy that AnnaLynne McCord looks young enough to play a high school student? But Gabrielle Carteris comparisons aside, what this TV Addict is really tiring of is the played out television cliché that money doesn’t by happiness. Who doesn’t dream of the day when your Dad makes up for the fact that he can’t take you to Las Vegas by surprising you with a car.

Mystery #3, Kelly’s BabyFather: While the identity of Kelly’s one night stand technically still remains a mystery, there’s no way that Sammy’s father isn’t Dylan McKay. I’m just sayin’, Jim and Cindy Walsh did no raise Brandon Walsh to be a deadbeat dad!

Mystery #4, Silver: Are we honestly expected to buy the fact that Silver has been spending her nights at a Women’s Shelter in Los Angeles? Don’t get me wrong, I understand not wanting to spend time with a hammered Jackie Taylor [played to perfection yet again by Ann Gillespie] But did Silver really have to tug at our heartstrings with a shelter? I mean come’on. She’s a hot girl in West Beverly. Could she not have slept over at a boyfriends, a best friends, Mel and/or Kelly’s place?

Mystery #5, Jessica Walter: And just when I was looking forward to my weekly Tabitha Mills/Jessica Walter Fix? Nothing… Donna Martin Graduate! More Lucille Bluth!

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