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After spending all summer hearing about a twist so huge it would be like “throwing a pebble on a mountain, only to have it turn into an avalanche that can’t be stopped.” This TV Addict couldn’t help but feel slightly let down by last night’s supposedly shocking ending to DEXTER’s third season opener. I mean seriously, Dexter is a daddy? Isn’t that type of predictable plot contrivance usually reserved for DEXTER’s time-slot competitor DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES?

Which bring us to the ladies of Wisteria Lane. Who in a word, I LOVED! As expected. the five year flash forward was the exact ingredient DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES needed to completely reinvigorate the show. Not only do we now get to spend an hour a week filling in the blanks as to what happened to our fab five over the course of the past five years, we get an even funnier Gabby, a far less annoying Susan, a vindictive Edie, the seemingly never-ending one-upmanship of Bree vs. Katherine and the ups and downs that is the Scavo Family.

And speaking of families… [pause to appreciate clever segway]. Last night also saw the return of this TV Addict’s favorite fictional family, the Walkers. And while I don’t have anything too specific or insightful to say about them, I will say this. With her verbal smack-down of Holly Harper, Sally Field’s Nora already has her “For Your Consideration” Emmy clip in the bag for next season’s show. Can’t wait too see what happens next.

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