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HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER 2009: Clues You May Have Missed

With an opening scene so brilliant you’d think Barney belonged on THE BIG BANG THEORY [would he not make the perfect new friend for Sheldon, Leonard, Wolowitz and Raj?], a string of hilarious interventions [Marshall’s hat would make Joey proud!] and an ending so littered with clues that it almost gives LOST a run for its money, last night’s HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER was a return to form for the series and dare we say it, “Legen…… wait for it…… dary!”

Like “First Time in New York” before it [the episode where each member of the gang recounts their ‘first time’] “Intervention” allowed for every character to have their moment to shine [particularly Robin in all of her Canadian inebriated glory]. That is, until the gang reached the inevitable conclusion that moving on and growing up is indeed a fact of life.

Of course, what still has this TV Addict smiling is that “one year later” final scene. Which is why we compiled our favorite four clues in case you missed them.

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