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ELI STONE Rewards Us For Keeping the Faith

Unlike many of the this TV Addict’s favorite returning fall shows, last night’s season premiere of ELI STONE did not disappoint. And not just because episode writers Leila Gerstein and Alex Taub managed to give ALIAS fans a SpyDaddy Jack Bristow shout by naming the bank in which Jordan Weathersby found himself trapped in ‘Credit Dauphine.’

Rather, ELI STONE succeeded because it surprised us by definitively answering the one question viewers have been pondering all summer long [What’s the deal with Eli?], delivered an opening dance number that would make any fan of time-slot lead in DANCING WITH THE STARS proud [Here’s hoping DWTS fans stuck around!] and most importantly, managed to catapult the show in a completely new and exciting direction.

But first off, let’s deal with the surprise. It turns out that Eli’s therapist played by Sigourney Weaver was in fact a messenger sent from God. And while the “Special Guest Star” billing probably should have been a tip off, this TV Addict honestly didn’t see it coming. For showrunners Greg Berlanti and Marc Guggenheim to make Eli’s path so clear so early in the show’s run is pretty much unheard of. Does TV 101 not dictate at minimum, another two seasons of is-he-or-isn’t-he a conduit from God Questions?

Apparently not.

Which frankly, is refreshing. Because Eli’s definitive status as ‘chosen one’ is about to take the show in a very interesting direction. Where exactly we’re not entirely sure. Especially since this TV Addict doesn’t have an inoperable brain aneurysm that affords for sneak peaks into the future. But if we were to make a few predictions, here’s hoping that we see (1) A continuation of last season’s “Live Strong” movement. (2) For things to heat up between Eli and Maggie (3) For the line to be drawn between believers like Eli, Nate and Jordan versus non-believers like Taylor Weathersby, Matt Dowd and Martin Posner. Oh, and while we’re dreaming would it be too much to ask to have an appearance by Arvin Sloane [Ron Rifkin] as some sort of evil corporate baddie?

Agree, Disagree, Post away!

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