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TV Talk From Fellow TV Addicts

Each week the TV Blog coalition — of which is proud to be apart of — highlights some of the best TV news and views from around the web. For the latest news that’s fit to print, simply click the link below.

There have been so many Grey’s Anatomy hookups and romances over the years, it’s hard to keep count. Which is your all-time favorite? (BuzzSugar)

This week, Sandie shared an interview with Reggie Austin from The Starter Wife. (Daemon’s TV)

Every week Scooter goes over the best of the best like the Best Quote, a free download, one thing you should not miss in the upcoming week, and for the dudes out there, a Gratuitous Token Hot Chick Picture of the Week. You’re welcome. (Scooter McGavin’s 9th Green)

A longtime friend of Vance’s wrote this past week’s The Office episode and Vance gives it a totally unbiased review. (Tapeworthy)

This week, Jace was absolutely gutted by David Tennant’s decision to leave Doctor Who at the end of 2009 and came up with some suggestions as to who could succeed Tennant as the Eleventh Doctor. (Televisionary)

On the topic of Gossip Girl, Sara thinks that Chuck’s a bore, Nate’s a dim bulb and Dan and Serena keep having the same conversations over and over! (TiFaux)

This week, the TV Addict took a brief look at LIFE ON MARS (The TV Addict)

What can be done to save Heroes? TV Spy’s answer to Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross, Ben and Gareth, have the answers! (TV Spy)

Kate loved the second episode of Stylista even more than the first one! (TV Filter)

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