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Thursday Night TV: The Good (30 ROCK), the Bad (UGLY BETTY) & the Ugly (GREY’S ANATOMY)

THE GOOD: Following a funny, albeit somewhat predictable cameo by Oprah, the never-ending hilarity that was the Tracey versus Jenna Freaky-Friday feud and the overall brilliance (or lack-there-of) of Alec Baldwin’s Jack Donaghy (Love how his own over-medicated in-flight hallucination was responsible for confusing his assistant Jonathan with M. Night Shyamalan!), this TV Addict is ready to call it. 30 ROCK, thanks to its penchant for cramming a ridiculous amount of jokes into twenty-two minutes with a special shout out to Tina Fey’s Princess Leah impersonation to escape jury duty and Tracey Jordan’s Claw Hand (Trust me, you have to see the episode!) — is officially ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT’s heir apparent.

MORE GOOD: While this TV Addict could focus on the brilliant manner in which the writers of THE OFFICE have managed to keep Jim and Pam’s relationship afloat while at the same time giving Pam an opportunity to spread her wings in New York City. I’d like to award the fake Gold Medal concocted by 30 ROCK’s Jack Donaghy (Once again, if you missed that reference, you have to watch last night’s episode of 30 ROCK) to Mindy Kaling. Who continues to be the only woman outside of Sarah Silverman who can illicit huge laughs from a highly inappropriate yet perfectly timed rape joke.

THE BAD: As much as it pains me to take my UGLY BETTY favorites Marc and Amanda to task. this TV Addict is just going to say it. Last night’s plot advances for television’s favorite dynamic duo were LAME (Note use of capital letters to express my aggravation). I mean, with apologies to new twitter friend David Blue, are viewers seriously supposed to root for Cliff and Marc when we haven’t seen them together (outside of last week’s brief cameo by Cliff) since last season? And don’t even get me started on the odd-coupling of Betty and Amanda. After two plus seasons of incessant ridicule, is anyone (outside of the BETTY writing staff) really buying that Amanda would ever risk her social standing at Mode by co-habitating with Betty of all people? And come’on, Amanda hooking up with Val by episodes end! Who didn’t see that coming?

THE UGLY: And speaking of things we saw coming, even though the television community had three days to prepare for last night’s GREY’S ANATOMY shocker, Dr. Hahn’s drastic personality shift from talented, strong-willed and opinionated Doctor to psycho-cliched-TV-uber-bitch was incredibly disappointing. ABC, Shonda Rhimes, be ashamed, be very ashamed. Even putting aside the rumored (anti-Lesbian) reasons for Hahn’s surprisingly speedy exit and regardless of whether or not you buy showrunner Shonda Rhimes’ assertion that the reason for Hahn’s ousting was that, “we did not find that the magic and chemistry with Brooke’s character would sustain in the long run.” (And I for one do not). Last night’s poorly written farewell scene for the incredibly talented Brooke Smith was both an insult to the actress and the audience alike. In other-words GREY’S ANATOMY, to take a page from American hero Stephen Colbert, you’re officially on notice.

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