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TV Talk From Fellow TV Addicts

Each week the TV Blog coalition — of which is proud to be apart of — highlights some of the best TV news and views from around the web. For the latest news that’s fit to print, simply click the link below.

Buzz rounded up some of her favorite TV production company logos and slogans, like “Bad Robot” and “Sit, Ubu, Sit.” (BuzzSugar)

Sandie shared some pictures from her set visit of The Starter Wife. (Daemon’s TV)

Rae took an early look at TNT’s The Librarian 3: Curse of the Judas Chalice. (RTVW)

Scooter takes a look back at the first season of Raising the Bar, or as he likes to call it, The Zach Morris and His Hair Hour. (Scooter McGavin’s 9th Green)

Vance wrote some limerick reviews about Ugly Betty, 30 Rock, The Office, Bones, Grey’s Anatomy, Survivor and more, just because he felt like it. (Tapeworthy)

This week, Jace offered up some tantalizing spoilers as he took an advance look at the next three episodes of NBC’s Chuck, including Monday’s episode, which he says is the best of the series to date. (Televisionary)

How was your election night? Dan mainly focused on Anderson Cooper, the fancy electronic maps on CNN and those crazy holograms that Wolf Blitzer was talking to. (TiFaux)

This week, the TV Addict interviewed newest TERMINATOR cast member and BATTLESTAR GALACTICA fan favorite Stephanie Jacobsen (The TV Addict)

Kate interviewed Megan, Stylista’s villain, and was surprised by how down-to-Earth she was about the whole reality star thing. (TV Filter)

Who would win in a fight between Heroes and Smallville? With apologies to Harry Hill, there’s only one way to find out… It’s the Heroes vs Smallville superheroes trump cards smackdown! [TV Spy]

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