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The TV Addict Makes a BIG BANG Prediction

Remember August 2008? A simpler time when television fans were anxiously counting down the days until the return of their favorite fall shows like PUSHING DAISIES, DIRTY SEXY MONEY and ELI STONE (cue: awkward pause), many of you still had money in the stock market (cue: more awkward pause) and your very own TV Addict correctly predicted that Michael Phelps would be tapped to host SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE’s season premiere (cue: applause!)

Well here we are, four months later and once again, this TV Addict is ready to put my 100% eerily accurate ability to predict the future on the line with my BIG BANG THEORY PREDICTION! The inspiration for which was another hilarious albeit uber-nerdy Sheldon rant as he revealed on Monday’s episode his true intentions behind wanting to ensure that Leonard’s relationship with Stephanie is a success.

“Look, if you fail at this relationship, and history suggests that you will, we risk losing the Medical Officer our landing party has always needed…See, you’re Kirk, I’m Spock, Wolowitz is Scotty, Koothrappali is the guy who always gets killed, and now we have our McCoy!” said Sheldon as he motioned to Stephanie behind Leonard’s back with the iconic Vulcan “live long and prosper” hand gesture!

Which brings me to our BIG BANG PREDICTION: In an act of corporate synergy that would make 30 ROCK’s Jack Donaghy proud. The gang from THE BIG BANG THEORY will spend an entire episode in April (or May) of 2009 waiting in line for the new STAR TREK movie. A movie which just so happens to be produced by CBS’ sister company Paramount.

Oh, and on the off chance that THE BIG BANG THEORY masterminds Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady are reading this and have yet to think of this brilliant idea that I dare-say would wipe the smirk of Sheldon’s face. This TV Addict can be reached at anytime for our obligatory cameo at

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