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Review: LIE TO ME

If there’s one thing that we learned after watching the season premiere of FOX’s new series LIE TO ME, it’s that “the truth is written all over our faces.” Which is why, we’re not going to lie to you .

On the surface, LIE TO ME brings very little new to the table.

In the now all-too-familiar tradition of THE MENTALIST, HOUSE and MONK, LIE TO ME takes a cantankerous yet brilliant expert, Dr. Cal Lightman (solidly portrayed by Tim Roth) and surrounds him with the standard mix of beautiful and brainy team members. In this case, that includes the upbeat Dr. Gillian Foster (THE PRACTICE’s Kelli Williams playing Cuddy to Roth’s House), research assistant and obvious comic relief Eli Loker (TERMINATOR’s Brendan Hines) and newcomer Ria Torres (Monica Raymund).

Lucky for us, what LIE TO ME lacks in originality in the procedural department it more than makes up for with its ridiculously clever and addictive premise. Based on the actual research of real-life human lie detector Dr. Paul Ekman, Roth’s fictional counterpart is deftly able to ascertain if a subject is lying by simply reading their facial expressions and body language. Which is where things begin to get interesting and the fun really begins.

Because the truth is, when Lightman and and his team are called upon to solve the murder of a popular teacher and investigate the rumored antics of a Senator’s extracurricular activities in the show’s first episode, viewers will quickly find themselves setting their own “BS” detector to “red alert.” Is the young student accused of killing his teacher hiding something? Are there really any plausible reasons a Senator might frequent a sex club that don’t involve sex? Well, we’re not about to spoil the mystery here. But what we will say is that we guarantee the pause and rewind buttons on your DVR (or PVR in Canada) will be working overtime as you attempt to uncover the truth for yourself and beat Dr. Lightman to the punch.

And that my friends is the truth.

LIE TO ME premieres Wednesday January 24 at 9:03PM on FOX (Global on Canada)

For more truth on LIE TO ME, check out:
Truth Be Told: An Advance Review of FOX’s “Lie to Me”
LIE TO ME: The Truth Revealed Tonight on Fox (Sneak Peek)
Liar liar, pants on fire: This guy can tell when you’re making things up
‘The Mentalist is good. ‘Lie to Me’ is better.

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