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Will Octomom Kill TV News as We Know It?

Thanks to Nadya Suleman, TV news divisions across the country are faced with an interesting quandary: How do you cover Octomom without ticking off viewers? Obviously, the name of the (purportedly) human baby factory is on everyone’s lips… but the one thing practically everyone seems to agree on is that they don’t want to see her get a dime she doesn’t deserve. (Or a nickel, for that matter. Pennies are OK.) Several networks have publicly said that they would not pay Suleman for an interview, yet we’re willing to bet that sooner or later, someone — whether at one of the major nets or a smaller, hungrier outlet — will fork over big bucks for an “A Day in the Life” type story. How will viewers react? While we suspect millions would tune in, any outfit paying for a Suleman story would no doubt face widespread outrage — and worse. Our friends at recently received a comment from one visitor who is trying to organize a boycott of any network willing to pay up Suleman for a sitdown. And while we suspect the American people wouldn’t be outraged enough to — gasp! — give up their favorite shows, a news division could wind up taking a major hit to its reputation.

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