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TV Ratings: Thursday April 9

Source: MediaWeek, Ratings: in millions
Time Network Show Rating 18-49
8PM CBS Survivor 11.32 3.5/11
FOX Bones 8.8 2.8/8
NBC The Office 7.20 3.3/11
ABC In the Motherhood 4.57 1.3/4
CW Smallville (R) 2.03 0.7/2
8:30PM NBC Parks and Recreation 6.77 3.0/9
ABC Samantha Who? 4.87 1.4/4
9PM CBS CSI 16.36 3.7/10
NBC The Office 7.94 3.9/11
FOX Hell’s Kitchen 7.59 3.3/9
ABC Grey’s Anatomy (R) 5.15 1.4/5
CW Supernatural (R) 2.06 0.8/2
9:30PM NBC 30 Rock 6.75 3.1/9
10PM CBS Harper’s Island 10.49 2.7/8
NBC Southland 9.72 3.2/9
ABC Private Practice (R) 4.34 1.3/4
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