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Yes, you heard me. SEASON Finale.

But putting aside the looming concern that last night may have been the final chronicle of Sarah Connor for a moment, this TV Addict didn’t want to pass up this opportunity to tip my hat to Josh Friedman; Who not only took what injected a complex and well thought out discussion about the very nature of humanity, religion and technology in what very easily been an excuse for FOX and Warner Bros. to milk a tired franchise with a SMALLVILLE-style killer-robot of the week. But delivered a season finale that leaves fans (or at least this TV Addict) in the unexpected position of being both satisfied and wanting more at the exact same time.

If this is indeed the end, Friedman dropped off John Connor [after two seasons on the run with Sarah and Cameron] in the midst of the resistance with enough knowledge, experience and training to ensure that he does in fact continue along his destiny to becomes humanity’s last hope for the future, fitting perfectly into the mythology laid out in the previous and upcoming fourth installment of the franchise Terminator: Salvation. I especially loved the fact that Cameron reinforced to John — during what will no doubt go down as one of the hottest and most bizarre non-sex scenes ever — that deep down inside, she wants to kill John Connor (read: robots can’t ever be trusted.)

And if FOX does the unthinkable and shock us all by granting TERMINATOR a stay of execution, Friedman has opened up an entirely new and exciting world by reuniting John with two very much alive and well Reese brothers (Derek and Kyle), a pre-Cameron Allison (from Palmdale we’re guessing), while also managing to leave things wide open for possible (surprise!) appearances by future Riley and Jessie. All the while, giving Sarah and Agent Ellison the impetus they need to work that much harder to bring down SkyNet (and in the process save John) following that unforgettable dustup at Zeira Corp.

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