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Paley Festival ‘09: DOLLHOUSE

Since this TV Addict had to make the television blogger’s equivalent of ‘Sophie’s Choice’ yesterday by deciding to spend some time on the incredible, amazing, inspiring and remarkable (seriously, there are not enough superlatives in the dictionary) set of GLEE rather than attend the DOLLHOUSE panel at Paley Festival 2009, I wanted to share with you a few of my favorite places to get your Paley Panel recap: The Futon Critic, The Hollywood Reporter and HitFix

And while I’m sharing, I also wanted to take this opportunity to share a photo of your very own TV Addict (alongside E!Online reporter extraordinaire Natalie Abrams) reveling in his 15 minutes of fame. Yes, I was [finally] discovered and asked to guest star play audience member #25 in an upcoming episode of GLEE.

Needless to say, it was an absolute thrill getting to stand up and cheer for the McKinley High School Glee Club as they performed Queen’s “Somebody to Love” over and over and over again. Truly, it’s amazing just how much work goes into a three minute musical number. That said, when you see the finished result, I can pretty much guarantee that you too will stand up and cheer… and not just for audience member #25 (stage left, second row, fourth from the right), who I think you’ll find definitely added a little something special to the episode.

Um, just out of curiosity… don’t you think they should have a special Emmy category for Outstanding Extra In A Crowd Scene?

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