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Why Does Nobody Ever Really Die on HEROES? Discuss:

As it turns out, Bryan Fuller’s assessment that last night’s season finale of HEROES was “the best finale the show has ever had,” lived up to the hype. Too bad as season finales go, HEREOS doesn’t have much of a track record to live up to.

Sure, as promised by Cristine Rose (Angela Petrelli), a hero who had been with the show from day one die did in fact die. The only problem being, nobody on HEROES really ever stays dead. Leaving this TV Addict to wonder just how long it will take for Matt Parkman’s mojo to wear off, forcing The Company to resurrect the original Sylar (with the help of the spare shapeshifter that HRG already alluded to down in Building 26) in an effort to bring down Nathan Petrelli. Who it seems is already letting his inner-Sylar get the better of him.

Our guess, November sweeps! What’s yours?

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