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We’re Back!

We’re back! We’re back! We’re back! After an unexpected two days of downtime (courtesy of mediatemple, our hosting company that may-or-may-not be run by the real-life-equivalent of one Homer J. Simpson), is back and better than ever. Well, maybe not better than ever, but we’re back nonetheless, and thrilled to be so.

I mean seriously, while I’m the first to admit that I’m no Daniel Fienberg, 140 characters on twitter simply does not cut it. Especially when HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER tried to fool us into thinking that Stella is the show’s titular mother, 90210 attempts to create a friendship out of thin air between newcomer Liam, Navid, Ethan and Dixon (Really, what is up with that?) and SCRUBS signs off with what we’re not sure is a series, or season finale courtesy of ABC’s ambiguous marketing speak.

Yup, we’ve got a lot of catching up to do. Which is why I hope you will all forgive this two day snafu and remember to keep as part of your daily effort to procrastinate from actual work routine. Because as it would turn out, after spending two anxiety-ridden days curled up in the fetal position due to lack of blogging, I realized one very important thing: Aside from what some might say is an unhealthy addiction to television, I’m kind of addicted to blogging as well. Who knew?

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