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Today’s TV Addict Top 5: TV Homes We’d Love To Live In!

1) Southfork
Remember the classic DALLAS episode in which Pam caught a tipsy Sue Ellen pretending to be mistress of the manor as she glided down the main staircase? Well who could blame her! A pool, horses, hot ranch hands… the place had everything!

2) Collinwood
Vampires and werewolves aside, the seaside estate in which DARK SHADOWS was set had a surprisingly homey quality… as long as you stayed out of that room in the west wing and it’s ability to hurtle visitors into a parallel time!

3) 1313 Mockingbird Lane
Home to THE MUNSTERS, the house had a dragon living under the staircase and the one accessory every kid in America thought their own homes should have: an upright coffin that functioned as a telephone booth!

4) Melrose Place
On the plus side, the MELROSE PLACE apartment complex has both a pool and some incredibly hot residents who like to lay beside it half-naked. On the down side, the reasonable rent and lack of tenant screening allows for a fairly high ratio of normal-to-psychopathic residents.

5) Monica Gellar’s Apartment
The New York City pad is huge, bright and has that great terrace on which all your FRIENDS can hang out. Plus, if the cable ever goes out, there’s always ‘Ugly Naked Guy’ to keep you entertained… and give your own ego a bit of a boost.

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