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Our Take on UGLY BETTY’s Extreme Makeover

Did Betty Suarez just get an extreme makeover? Or is the above photo (Which may in fact be part of a rumored test balloon floated by the proverbial powers that be) simply a brilliant marketing ploy by ABC to remind fans that, “Hey, we only moved BETTY to Friday, we didn’t cancel her!”

That’s the question we find ourselves asking this afternoon after taking a look at the new and improved Demi Lovoto not-so-ugly Betty. The other question — again, assuming that this ‘leaked’ photo isn’t simply an ingenious marketing ploy, single episode stunt, or dream sequence, is — has Betty’s makeover gone too extreme? I mean sure, we’re the first to admit that we’ve scratched our head for years now as to how and why such a seemingly smart, self-confident and driven young women could fail so spectacularly to pick up even a few fashion tips whilst toiling away at Mode these past three years (Eyebrow pluck, contacts, anything!) But seriously, what kind of message is it sending to young girls when you’ve got Betty looking like she just walked off the set of the CW’s THE BEAUTIFUL LIVE: TBL?

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