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Today’s TV Addict Top 5: FRINGE Season Two Spoilers

1. While the first episode of FOX’s FRINGE opened with a plane-related incident involving a group of dead strangers, the second season begins with an automobile crash which while smaller in scope is larger in impact, especially where one of your favorite agents is concerned!

2. Fans will be relieved to discover that Olivia does, in fact, return from the alternate universe in which she last was seen. But of course, there’s a catch or two. For one thing, she returns with key pieces of her memory regarding the events that transpired there compromised. Worse, she’s not the only one to come through that mysterious doorway.

3. Don’t believe everything you read about Agent Charlie Francis — even if it was said by portrayer Kirk Acevedo, who posted on his Facebook page that he’d been fired. Or rather, do believe it. Kinda. Cryptic enough for you?

4. The season premiere is very newbie friendly thanks to the introduction of Agent Jessup (played by Meghan Markle), whose dialogue pretty much serves as a FRINGE For Dummies as her character winds up knee-deep in the craziness that surrounds Walter and his pals.

5. Before watching the episode, put a few pillows on the floor to protect your jaw when it drops at the end of the episode. We’re talking classic J.J. Abrams “you’re gonna be talkin’ about this tomorrow” cliffhanger.

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