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From Ty Burrell’s self-proclaimed ‘hip’ dad, MARRIED… WITH CHILDREN’s Ed O’Neil playing a crotchety grandpa (albeit one who’s married to a much younger and hotter woman) and Mitchell and Cameron, who as EW’s Ken Tucker so correctly pointed our are the odd couple for our generation, is it safe to assume that MODERN FAMILY lived up to it’s billing as the funniest new show of the fall?

Question: Which show made better use of yours (okay, our) iTunes collection? Cameron’s over-the-top presentation of adoptive baby Lily to his ‘Modern Family’ with a little help from The Lion King’s “Circle of Life” or Kurt’s GLEE-ful game-winning field goal to the tune of Beyonce’s ‘Single Ladies?’

And speaking of ‘Sophie’s Choice,’ can Congress not put aside the whole pesky health-care thing and get their act together crafting a bill that really matters. You know, like the one that we’d like to propose, banning networks (Yes, we’re talking to you ABC and FOX) from putting their two strongest offerings (MODERN FAMILY and GLEE) on the same night at the exact time. I mean seriously, WTF?! (Which we learned yesterday thanks to our new favorite clueless hipster dad Phil (MODERN FAMILY’s Ty Burrell) means, “Why the Face?!”)

Having not had the chance to check in with MERCY yet, now’s your chance to be the critic. Was it as the promos would have us believe, GREY’S ANATOMY with nurses. Or should it mercifully be put down, having arrived D.O.A?

And finally, have you pieced together which fictional small Connecticut town EASTWICK takes place in? (Hint: The town square’s magical water-fountain is your first clue.)

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