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FRINGE FUN! Just How Good of an OBSERVER Are You?

On tonight’s fantastic installment of FRINGE, a young woman’s abduction will set off a chain of events that will change everything. And at the center of said abduction is everybody’s favorite follicular challenged anti-hero: The Observer. Actually, make that Observers.

Yes, tonight’s episode entitled “August” is the tale FRINGE fanatics have been clamouring for, as executive producers/writers J.H. Wyman and Jeff Pinkner finally peel back the curtain on this mysterious group of men, who as it would turn out, do a helluva lot more simply observe. What exactly do they do (or why they do it), well, we’re not quite at liberty to share those details. But what we can do is help prepare you for tonight’s episode by offering up a little challenge guaranteed to hone your observational skills.

In the above line-up, you may-or-may-not observe that five Observers do not exactly belong. Post away with your guesses in the comments below and check back tomorrow morning for the answers. And trust us, following tonight’s bowler-hat-heavy episode where half the cast looks like they’ve wandered off the set of MAD MEN, you’ll thank us later.

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