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Stars Ana Ortiz and Tony Plano on Why You Should Tune Into UGLY BETTY Tonight!

Betty’s Back Baby!

That in a nutshell is the message UGLY BETTY stars Ana Ortiz (Hilda) and Tony Plano (Ignacio) really wanted to convey during a recent one-on-one with

“I think we really found our groove this season,” says Ana Ortiz. “The writers have stopped trying to please everybody and really got back on track with why fans fell in love with the show in the first place.”

In other-words, for those of you who have jumped off the BETTY bandwagon this season — which judging from the ratings is virtually everybody who is reading this — now’s the time to hop back on. Particularly since the show’s fourth year is shaping up to be its strongest season to date, with the writers finally striking that ideal balance between Betty’s home, work and always complicated romantic life.

“What has helped make the show so exciting this year is that I think the writers have just really nailed that whole telenovela-style soap opera,” concurs Tony Plana. “All of the characters this year are taken to a place of great change this season with everybody (Be it Betty, Hilda, Justin or those crazies at Mode) being challenged and having to make huge adjustments within themselves and each other.”

Indeed, from Betty — who has finally acquired some much needed fashion sense to go with her swanky new job title of Mode Junior Editor — on down, change fans can believe in truly has become the mantra of UGLY BETTY’s fourth season. Which in case you missed it has seen Daniel (and his stylish beard) successfully manage to get over the death of his wife Molly (while almost being sucked into a Scientology-like cult in the process), Marc discovering what it’s like to work for someone other than Wilhelmina Slater (while learning that what happens in the Bahamas doesn’t necessarily stay in the Bahamas), Hilda getting a surprising lesson on the downside of unprotected sex (again!), as the show itself jumps from its deathly Friday night time slot slot to a much more hospitable one on Wednesday nights at 10PM.

“I think this move is a show of faith, a belief in our show and an expression that we merit, deserve and fit right into ABC’s big family comedy night.,” says Plano of the show’s much-anticipated switch to Wednesdays.

Jokes Oritz, in her last ditch effort to get you (Yes, YOU!) to tune in tonight’s episode, “We’re the only Latino family on TV… so if they take us off the air, my Goodness!”

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