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Today’s TV Addict Top 5: Biggest Questions From Last Night’s OMG-Worthy LOST!

Good News: Following last week’s disappointing Kate-centric episode, LOST got back on track by delivering what was easily the most interesting instalment of the season to date. Bad News: Questions, questions and more questions! Which is we’re dedicating Today’s TV Addict Top 5 to our most pressing.

Why was Kate left off Jacob’s List?
Since Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse set an end date for the series, we’d like to believe that everything on LOST is done by design. Which is why, as fake Locke (heretofore to be known as “Flocke”) waxed poetically about Jacob’s list of candidates (more on that later), taking the time to highlight (John) Locke, (Hugo) Reyes, (James “Sawyer”) Ford, (Sayid) Jarrah, (Jack or Christian) Shepherd and (Jin or Sun) Kwon, we found it somewhat peculiar that one fairly integral name was left off said list: That of (Kate) Austen. Coincidence, we think not.

The Curious Case of Flash-Sideways Locke.
Putting aside for a moment the massive fail that was John Locke’s so-called business trip to Australia (Seriously people — for future reference — faking a business trip 101 kind of involves checking in at the conference and snapping a few obligatory photos to share with the boss upon your return!), the most curious aspect about last night’s sideways Locke storyline was his relationship with his father. The above photo featuring a smiling father and son from Locke’s cubicle combined with fiance Helen’s mention that, “we just get my parents and your dad and do it [the wedding] shotgun style in Vegas,” would indicate that in sideways land, Locke’s father did not cause his paralysis by tossing him out of an eight story window. Well that, or John Lock is the most forgiving man on the planet. A plot development which naturally begs the question: Why is Locke in a wheelchair?

That Lost Boy.
Since it wouldn’t be an episode of LOST without some sort of mysterious figuring running through the jungle, we have to ask: Who was the creepy blond kid: Jacob reincarnate? Aaron all grown up? Discuss.

Candidate for what exactly?
According to Flocke, John was a candidate, and now James has been nominated. Just what does being a ‘candidate’ entail? Why (and from whom) does the island need protecting? And who (or what) put Jacob in charge of the nominating committee?

Whose side are you on?
Despite Richard Alpert being crazy-scared of Flocke, we’re not gonna lie. There is something to be said — particularly after five plus seasons of questions after questions after… well you get the idea — in choosing to follow someone, heck, anyone with an answer, or ten! Thus, while there is a very good possibility that Flocke (who it seems will do anything to escape the rock) may in fact be the devil reincarnate, we’re kinda leaning towards joining Sawyer in choosing his side over Jacob. How about you?

Photo Credit: Mario Perez/ABC

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