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Why Last Night’s MODERN FAMILY Was Like The FUNNIEST Episode Ever!

Taking a page from last night’s fantastic, phenomenal Emmy-worthy instalment of MODERN FAMILY which started off the night by having family members reveal their biggest fear — the highlight of which may have been Mitchell’s “hotel bedspreads,” following Cameron’s gut-wrenching fear over losing Mitchell — we’d like to take a moment and reveal our biggest fear: Losing this family. Seriously.

Be it Phil and Luke’s heartwarming father-son bonding over imaging what treasures were hidden under the house (“Bugs frozen in amber!” “A bunch of necklaces made out of animal teeth!”), Claire’s DMV dance moves (“Sweet fancy moses!”), or Mitchell and Cameron’s freak out over the “giant panda in the room” after Baby Lily uttered what the boys incorrectly assumed was her first “Mama” during an awkwardly hilarious brunch with her Asian paediatrician — last night’s episode was twenty-two minutes of comedic-perfection. And we haven’t even, you know, like mentioned Haley’s driving… Manny’s fisherman outfit, the little callbacks (three deep breaths) sprinkled throughout the episode and what easily amounted to the funniest, albeit somewhat politically incorrect moment of the episode year that had the aforementioned Asian paediatrician backing her car into a couple of garbage cans mere moments after telling Cameron and Mitchell that she’s not some “Asian stereotype.”

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