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Note To Fox: More GLEE, Less Filler

While we’re sure a whole lot of fresh-faced, talented young folks out there were thrilled by yesterday’s announcement that FOX is conducting a nationwide search for performers to be featured during GLEE’s second season, we couldn’t help eyeing the PR stunt skeptically.

And no, not just because we’re slightly past the 16-26 year-old age range eligible to audition. (And yes, we said slightly. Age is just a number, people!) Although it’s only fair to point out that by those standards, the show’s star — Cory Monteith — wouldn’t be eligible. Heck, putting real 16-year-olds next to some of the folks passing for high schoolers on currently-airing shows might just send half the cast of 90210 running to their plastic surgeons for a touch up!

Instead, we smirked and found it almost amusing that FOX — owned by Rupert Murdoch — is trying to use MySpace — owned by… come on, one guess! — as a means of reaching a young audience. Don’t they know that the tweens left MySpace ages ago for Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets we probably aren’t even hip enough to know exist?

We were also a little annoyed at the prospect of more people being added to the cast when our beloved Artie and Tina already get next to no airtime, and that’s before the arrival of such bold-print names as Neil Patrick Harris and Jennifer Lopez.

Please, please, please, GLEE, don’t get so caught up in being the cool kid that everybody wants to hang out with that you forget the “little people” who made you a hit in the first place!

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