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Looking Back on 100 Episodes of BONES with Star David Boreanaz

Ask anyone who has ever had the opportunity to interview BONES star David Boreanaz and they’ll tell you that unlike many actors, he’s a tell-it-like-it-is kinda guy. But while he has no problem taking not-so-subtle jabs at NBC’s ever-expanding slate of reality offerings (“Trying to take scripted shows off the air is not the best way to go,” he says), we did manage to find a rather surprising topic on which he had difficulty pontificating.

The stumper? Which episode of BONES — which airs its 100th outing on Thursday (Wednesday in Canada) — is his favorite.

“It’s hard,” he admits, speaking of the show the way a parent would its children. “Every episode really has a place in your heart! There are snippets of each show that kind of pop into my mind when I look back.”

Frankly, it’s easy to see why he might struggle with the question given that he’s not just a star of the show, but also involved in every aspect from directing to producing. And while others in his position might find themselves needing the occasional break, Boreanaz admits that he’s not very good at the whole “stop-to-smell-the-roses” thing.

“Hart [Hanson, the show’s creator] always says, ‘David, you really should just take a moment to be proud of what you’ve accomplished and be proud of the show. Take five minutes.’ And I’m always, like, ‘Yes, okay, I’ll take five minutes.’ And then after 30 seconds, I think, ‘How can we make this show better? How can we make these characters better?'” Boreanaz admits. “The bar usually is set pretty high for me in terms of some things. I’ll walk away from the show very happy, and I’ll set the bar for the next episode pretty high.”

As a result, he winds up finding different things to love depending on which of his many hats he happens to be wearing. As a producer, he focuses on the blank slate that was the show’s pilot. “I really enjoyed the pilot because you really have a sense of trying to start something new with challenges that are unique to a show where you can sense a chemistry and connection between these two characters.” But as a director, he takes time to single out the work of fellow director moment Ian Toynton’s work. And as an actor, he reflects fondly on those little moments integral to the development of a character. “I remember an episode in the first season when Emily’s character and I were playing air guitar and jamming out. You kind of develop through the character’s unique qualities.”

So did the actor ever imagine he’d have 100 episodes to develop a character with more people watching than ever before?

“It’s a very interesting thing and one that’s kind of unique to our show. We really took off last season I think and the interesting part of it is that the show premiered very strong for what it was worth, kind of had a slight dip as the season’s kind of progressed, but once we learned the ropes, learned how to shoot the show and get episodes under our belt we really developed into something quite unique.” says Boreanaz. “More-so now then ever it feels like we’re in a unique position where we can premiere on a thursday night and take some shows out, it’s pretty impressive and goes to show the type of viewing that television is today. People want to sit back, relax and watch an entertaining hour of a show.”

And really, who are we to argue with David Boreanaz?

BONES will air its 100th episode at 8PM Thursday April 8th on FOX (Wednesday Aptil 7th on Global TV in Canada)

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