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Today’s TV Addict Top 5: TV Companies With The Best Unexpected Benefits

Walker Landing
Who wouldn’t want to work for the BROTHERS & SISTERS vineyard? Given how much the Walker clan drinks, imagine if they had to actually pay for bottles of wine!

Talk about a job with benefits? Just about everyone in the Scranton branch of THE OFFICE has hooked up with either someone at a nearby cubicle, someone related to someone in a nearby cubicle, or someone they met because of the job they supposedly do in their cubicle!

Forrester Creations
You know all those people who are hookin’ up at Dunder-Miflin? They look like neutered puppies compared to the horndogs at THE BOLD & THE BEAUTIFUL’s premiere fashion house. Plus, free clothes!

The Pawnee Parks Department
Let’s face it: The PARKS & RECREATION folks do less work than a Republican senator whose entire job revolves around uttering one word — “no” — repeatedly. As an added benefit, you get to spend plenty of time outside, working on your tan!

Veridian Dynamics
Yes, there’s always a chance you’ll wind up being turned into a sacrificial lamb for one of Lem and Phil’s experiments, but if ever a company is going to be the first to invent calorie-free French fries, it’s those crazy kids on BETTER OFF TED. Being on the ground floor of that particular development? Deliciously priceless.

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