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Advertising Anarchy: Now Will You Watch COUGAR TOWN?

After yet another Wednesday of inexplicably low ratings, we’ve decided that rather than continue to sit idly by and wonder why more people aren’t tuning into COUGAR TOWN — which we should mention has quietly evolved into one of the funniest, most unpredictable and surprisingly heart-warming comedies of the season — we would do something about it. Cue our latest instalment of Advertising Anarchy (Also known as our slightly tongue-in-cheek take on how networks might wish to consider promoting some of our favorite new and returning shows) as we offer ABC some unsolicited advice on how they might wish to promote the show-formerly known as COUGAR TOWN next season! (And no, when it comes to keeping our favorite shows on the air, we do in fact not see a problem with complete and utter false advertising!)

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