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Random Musings: LONE STAR, THE EVENT, and the SHEER STUPIDITY that is launching all of ones new fall shows up against one another!

the event

While we’re the first to admit that we never would have predicted just how poorly LONE STAR performed in its initial outing on Monday, more shocking still is the perverse amount pleasure certain members of the media seem to be getting from reporting on Fox’s failure. Now — putting aside for the moment how Fox should be applauded for thinking different over simply offering up another generic legal procedural along the lines of NBC’s OUTLAW and ABC’s THE WHOLE TRUTH — one can’t help but wonder why certain members of the media who shall not be named are calling for the network to take the show off the air after one poor performance that didn’t even include the DVR/PVR numbers. Need we remind them that this isn’t the network that cancelled FIREFLY and PROFIT anymore. Rather, this is the network that gave the likes of ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT, DOLLHOUSE and even PRISON BREAK more seasons than their ratings indicated they deserved. We’re just sayin’

Chief among the complaints surrounding this week’s premiere of THE EVENT has been the apparent backlash with regards to the episode’s thrilling final scene. And while we certainly don’t begrudge anyone their opinion, we can’t help but scratch our head over those who insist on comparing the show to LOST. Suffice to say, if THE EVENT were anything like LOST, the writers would have waited a good three or four seasons before introducing any sort of supernatural element. Which is why, rather than take them to task like noted technology blogger David Zatz, who tweeted, “Anyone else see The Event? I found it suspenseful and interesting until like the last 60 seconds. Sorry, I don’t need another Lost.” We’re going to go ahead and applaud them. At least now fans know what they’re signing up for!

Why did CBS rush AS THE WORLD TURNS off the airwaves only to have to fill their time with reruns of THE PRICE IS RIGHT and THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS until whatever that stupid Chenbot show is ready to launch? 

And finally, Fall TV Premiere week. What’s the deal? No really, we simply don’t get it. What exactly is the point of launching an entire season’s worth of new shows within the span of five incredibly crowded days so that it’s virtually impossible for the average viewer to sample new shows? Are Studios no longer interested in making money? There’s a reason Hollywood doesn’t open the Harry Potter and Twilight sagas on the same weekend. It’s called common sense.

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