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SURVIVOR! THE EVENT! GLEE! Our TV Addict Week in Rewind

The “One Down, One To Go” Award Goes To… : SURVIVOR, where Russell was sent home. Now, if fellow alum Rob can be ousted, everyone can go back to focusing on the game instead of the pseudo-celebs. 

Most Unexpected Moment, Daytime Division: Fans of THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS were shocked when longtime faves Victor and Nikki took a literal roll in the hay, proving that a great soap can still catch even the most jaded of viewers off guard.

Least Anticipated Comeback: What if they staged an alien invasion and nobody came? Ask the folks over at THE EVENT, which returned from hiatus this week to record-low numbers. 

Best Comedy Performance By A Man In A Dress: When Shangela took to the stage as Laquifa, the Post-Modern Pimp on RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE, she left the audience howling her signature line, “Halle-lou!” 

Casting Change We’d Whole-heartedly endorse: Anybody else wish that Gwyneth Paltrow’s Holly Holiday would permanently replace Will Schuester as the head of the GLEE club? 

Least Shocking Plot Development of the Week: Despite the ABC promo department’s best efforts, the only thing that would have been even remotely surprising about the suicide of Paul Young’s wife Beth on Sunday’s DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES was if she actually died wearing a red shirt!

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