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It’s Time for HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER to Put Up or Shut Up (Re: The Mother)

If HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER creators Carter Bays and Craig Thomas aren’t prepared to introduce the titular mother to audiences in the not too distant future, they at the very least have to promise to stop putting Ted in a relationship that everyone and their mother knows is doomed from the get go. Or at least that’s what we spent the better part of 22 minutes pondering following last night’s somewhat less than inspired episode.

After-all, as any LOST fan can attest to, six seasons is an awful long of time to wait for answers. And while we respect a showrunner’s right to stick to their creative vision — particularly after reading this weeks Entertainment Weekly feature that alludes to the fact that the upcoming season finale will set in motion a plan to finally introduce television’s biggest no-show since Polkaroo — we would like to think that the feeling is mutual and that said aforementioned showrunners respect their fiercely loyal fans enough to, for lack of a better wording, stop jerking us around!

Simply put, this TV Addict is no longer content in watching Ted find himself entangled in yet another relationship that is destined to flame out in spectacular fashion. After enduring Sarah Chalke’s somewhat amusing Stella and Jennifer Morrison’s far less funny Zoey, we’ve officially stopped caring about any storyline that involves Ted and a character who has already been ruled out as the mythical mother. So while Bays and Thomas are completely free to keep the mystery of the mother alive as long as they deem fit, we respectfully request that in the interest of… well, our interest, they find a better way to milk this mystery than by introducing yet another beautiful blonde next season.

We didn’t buy it on BONES with Hannah, and we sure as heck aren’t going to buy it with Ted.

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