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Lisa Edelstein VS. HOUSE Producers: We Take Sides!

As you no doubt already heard Dr. Cuddy is checking out of Princeton Plainsboro Hospital.

So just what is the reason Lisa Edelstein is abandoning her millions of fans by opting to not return for what is being billed as HOUSE’s eighth and very likely final season? Unfortunately, with both FOX and NBC Universal declining to comment, details are sketchy at best. Of course that hasn’t stopped the rumor mill from speculating that Edelstein’s exit — like virtually everything else in Hollywood — had come down to the all mighty dollar. Or in the case of HOUSE — which was most certainly renewed by Fox (via Producer NBC Universal) at a decreased licensing fee following a low-rated seventh season, lack there of.

And while the original intention of this post was to lay out our argument for whose side we are on: The millionaire actress (who tweeted her disappointment in the way things worked out from Europe!) or the billionaire network and studio (Both of which have made a mint of the not-so-good Doctor). We invariably found ourselves channeling our disappointment and frustration over the “business” aspect of “show” into some advice for the biggest loser in all of this: The loyal fans.

For those of you, and there are many, who made a point to be in front of your small screen each and every Monday night at 8PM for the better part of the past seven season, we just wanted to take this opportunity to say: Enjoy Monday’s upcoming season finale of HOUSE while you can. Suffice it to say, as someone who still has a sour taste in their mouth following the painfully lacklustre final season that was GILMORE GIRLS minus creator/showrunner Amy Sherman-Palladino (who couldn’t come to terms with Warner Bros. Television) we can assure you that, regardless of what happens, be it good or bad, HOUSE will never be the same.

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